60 Holy Paladin seeking a guild that is looking for a semicasual raiding guild throughout TBC.
Wasn’t able to find a home throughout classic and so I’m willing to transfer to any reasonably sized server for the right group.
What I’m looking for:
-Semicasual raiding guild that has chill, fun people who happen to be really good at the game.
-Two raid nights per week (Unavailable on Mondays)
-Core spot on a raid team
A little about me:
-Raided all content in TBC including full Sunwell clear -most done pre-nerf.
-Substantial experience raiding from TBC - Mists, all in a healing capacity. Have previously been a healing officer in raiding guilds as well.
-Did not play much in classic - instead I rolled my Paladin as it was announced and can’t wait!
-In CST time zone
-Huge fan of PvP and arena
-Also willing to play a shadowpriest is that is more desirable.
Feel free to reach out to me here or hit me up on discord! porkandpickles#0356
Right now we do have a spot T/Th for a SP. Also I could see a Holy Pally role opening up at some time as our long term Holy Pally has switch to resto shaman. We have a relaxed fun group of people and the core happens to be very skilled as well. We are chomping at the bit to tear TBC up as a team. We are on a Pac server. Our raids are 7-10 Pac time. Not sure if that is too late but we have many from central and eastern time zones, Take a look and if you are interested fill out the application.
Hey there, a really cool group of us are building our own guild for TBC, check us out, would enjoy having you.
is currently recruiting for TBC Classic Raids - The focus of our guild is a tight knit community. You will see a lot of guilds advertising FOUR 25 man raid teams, insane speed clears, Warcraft Logs parse requirements, unreasonable consume requirements, etc. That is NOT our guild. We plan to have one 25 man raid team, full of 25-30 individuals who all legitimately like each other and get along. Everyone in our guild should know each other, should feel comfortable hoping in disc on off nights and just shooting the sh*t. Our main tanks primary raid consumable is Busch Light. If this sounds like the guild for you, please feel free to join our discord or reach out. Who we are: A bunch of dads who work 8-5 jobs, and have been playing this game way too long. We’ll be drinking while we play. Raid Schedule: Tues/Thur 8pm server – 11:30pm server. Our Expectation: Show up consistently with consumes and knowledge ready, we pull at 8pm. Loot - We are transparent and fair with our looting rules. With the move to 25 man raids, TBC historically really started seeing the decline of DKP/EPGP/etc. looting systems. We hate those systems. We’ll be using Best in slot prio via That’s my BIS with the player who most recently got a piece of loot moving to the bottom of the prio list, and if there is a tie; well just roll some dice. If you lose, don’t worry, you’ll get the next one. WoW should be fun! Come experience it with us and get to know us, by the end, not only will you be killing bosses, but you’ll be doing it with your friends! Recruitment needs: -Priest (holy/shadow) -Druid (boomkin) -Shaman (all) -Warrior (arms or prot) -Hunters/Warlocks/Mages *All exceptional players will be considered Guild contacts: Samully203#5791, Vaed#1529, Madara#0146