Hello. I have returned to WoW after a very long hiatus. I raided as a restoration Druid when WoW released up until Kel’thuzad when TBC was announced and many went their separate ways. I transitioned to a feral tank for all of TBC up until Kil’jaedan and then transitioned again to an enhancement shaman and protection paladin for WotLK on the Silvermoon server. My guild was last working on 25 Hardmode Professor Putricide when life reared its ugly head and I had to step away. Every guild I have been a part of were amongst the top guilds on the server (though we certainly weren’t nailing down any world firsts) so I am accustomed to high expectations and everything else that that entails. I was the top rated Alliance side enhancement shaman on Silvermoon and the second rated enhancement shaman on the server (Horde dominated the server firsts). I was also one of the top 5 protection paladins and I mention this only to illustrate that I am capable of playing multiple classes at a high level should the situation demand it. All that said, there is plenty of rust to work off.
As to what I am looking for, I would prefer a guild comprised of experienced individuals so that all time spent raiding is time well spent progressing through content as opposed to having to learn everything completely from scratch. I’m not at all concerned with whatever loot system is used as gear is nothing but a means to an end for me and with TBC that end is seeing Kil’jaedan die as I didn’t get to experience that when Sunwell was current content. As long as I am afforded the opportunity to earn anything I receive so that I am capable of making at least an equal contribution then I’ve no complaints. Evenings would work best as I work until 6 PM EST at the latest though that does fluctuate from week to week. Weekends are even better as I am likely to be online in some capacity all 24 hours of both Saturday/Sunday. Who needs a social life right? Would also prefer feral tanking as it is what I am accustomed to at least with TBC but I am flexible. Can’t have my cake and eat it too.
I myself am a very laid back person and can get along with anyone. That said, I do come across as offstandish until I’ve gotten comfortable with my surroundings and new people. Once I get a read on everyone I do a bit of a 180. I like to cut-up and joke and make things fun though that has never interfered with my ability to contribute to killing something and making shiny purples drop.
TL;DR - Experienced Feral Tank/Enhancement Shaman LF Experienced Evening/Weekend Raiding Guild