[A] <TAUREN TIPPERS> Molten Core 10/10! (Level 30+) *MEDIUM-CORE* 8:00-10:30 TUES/THUR

Here is the quick low down about us:

*Our Core is compromised of Experienced Vanilla and Mythic Raiders.

  • We are somewhere between casual and hard-core. Medium-Core. Currently our core raiders are between levels 35 and 50, with the bulk around 41.
  • We will be raiding starting October 10th, 2019 and every Tues//Thurs 8:00pm-11:00pm (EST) thereafter. We expect our prospective raiders to be 60 by October 3, 2019 We will get you attuned!
  • Loot rules: DKP-Loot Council Hybrid.
  • We are currently running a lot of SM/ZF/ST and other medium level dungeons and would love to have you join up with us with an eye toward raiding!

At this point, you must be level 35 to join. We are recruiting prospective raiders only. The bulk of our players will hit 60 during the last week of September and we will be running pre-MC/Ony instances to gear up and do attunements.

We are rounding out our raid roster and are taking on a few more members. This very well could your best chance to be in on one of Sulfurar’s leading alliance guilds from the beginning.

Our current needs are:

Main Tank: Filled
Main OT: Filled
Off Tanks that can DPS: (Low)
Hunter: (Low)
Paladin: Ret/Prot (Very Low); Holy (Medium)
Mage (Medium)
Warlock (Medium)
Rogue (Very Low)
Priest: Holy (Medium) Shadow (None)
Druid: Feral (1); Resto (Low)

Please add me or reply to this thread if you want to chat: Aequitas#1837
You can also look for Aviel, Baromaine, Ryieyah, and Solionna in game.

A more detailed description of our guild can be found here.

< Tauren Tippers> is a gaming community that has cobbled together several factions of people throughout WoW’s existence. Anticipating Classic’s popularity, we waited to declare for a particular sever until we could see how the que would affect our members. We have declared for Sulfuras, yay! (If you are not on Sulfuras, Feel free to reroll here to minimize your wait.) Together, we completed some of the most challenging end game content of every expansion. We aim to continue our legacy of end-game success in Classic WoW, while providing a fun and safe guild within which we all can grow. Most of us have real life commitments and we replace the volume of raids with efficient ones. We do not believe in unnecessary repetitive work. That work leads to burn-out and we want to experience all that Classic has to offer as a single unit with minimal burn-out. We seek passionate end-game driven players who want to experience the entirety of the Vanilla experience with one consistent raid team and who also need to balance game and real-life commitments.

What makes us different? Our number one goal is to ensure our moral character and treatment of others matches our end-game progress. We are the balance between real life responsibility and serious raiding success. In our core, we have parents, business owners, professionals, students, and military; so we understand the burden of responsibility. With that background, we want all our members to feel valued and we will NOT tolerate any type of harassment, particularly if that harassment is based on some one’s race, sexual preference, gender, age, etc. We are a group of adults looking to make the most of the time we can devote to the game and we want to make sure our in-game success is as renowned as our respect for other players-- both within and outside of our guild.

What to expect: A community that that is open to everyone, but takes raiding seriously. Over time, our core has accumulated a wealth of game knowledge and we intend to use it to continue to be one of the top guilds on our server. We are active and focused on PvE content, though we will participate in PvP content as well–especially once BGs are released.

Leadership that has actual real leadership knowledge and experience. Organization and time management are key elements to our raid structure. No waiting for AFK’s and little downtime. Many of our members have experience in World Top 100 guilds, including Vanilla and Burning Crusade.

What we expect of you: First and foremost, we expect you to have a decent attitude and treat others with respect. If you are a member of our raid team, You should come prepared (materials and knowledge of fights) and expect your fellow-raiders to come prepared. Skill is required to raid, but it is not alone sufficient. If you top the meters, solo tank a pack of core hounds, and make it rain Thunderfurys, you will still be uninvited if you treat others poorly. In the end, pixels fades, but the relationships we form do not.

Have the ability to manage your time and plan your schedule. The raid times will be clear. People’s schedules change and we will always be considerate of that. We asked that you be considerate too so we can plan.

Be accountable. If you make a mistake, speak up and say something, so we can learn from it and move on. Equally important, treat others that make mistakes with the same patience you would hope to receive if you had made the mistake. This creates the kind of environment where we can all grow and feel comfortable owning our mistakes. If you simply cannot perform and it hinders the raid, we may ask you to sit until that boss is on farm status. That is okay! Not everyone is going to be a master at every fight, and even the best players at any sport are occasionally removed from a match.

Again, Patience. Especially in the beginning as we sift through our budding raiders to see who is the best fit for our raid group (those extra 15 or so people that will add to our Core).

Lastly, be relaxed and have fun! If you do not want to raid, you can still join our community! If you raid, then know that when it is time to raid, you must flip the switch to raid mode. We expect “serious face” effort and will accept nothing less during raids.

–We have all experienced that sinking feeling of raiding where we our torn by obligations to our fellow raiders who helped us gear and our real life responsibility. We aim to prevent burn-out and to encourage people to keep the game fun while helping ensure others can keep progressing during hiatuses.