A large group of people here all experiencing a bug with ‘A Taste of iron’ None of us can get any progress.
Half the time the cannon you need to enter vanishes leaving you unable to move, the other half of the time you enter, but it won’t fire. Disabling all addons, logging in, logging out, restarting WoW, nothing is helping and all progress is halted for anyone trying to get through the quest chain it seems.
Yes it happen to me as well, nobody could get the cannon to fire. Theres like 10 players sitting next to the cannon stuck, blizz pls fix
Having the same issue on Stormrage. Tried all the same solutions and nothing.
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Same issue on Garithos, done all the same, restarted, disabled all addons, tried logging, abandoning the quest, nothing fixed it, even tried party sync, nothing worked please fix this quest or let us skip it.
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Can confirm the same as well. The cannon is bugged not allowing you to fire.
I ended up getting a mage port to stormshield so i wasn’t sittign around wasting time. Now I’m clicking chests around draenor for exp. maybe ill go back to get a garrison eventually…
Same on proud more can’t get it to work
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Same here - Area 52. Can get in the cannon, but I can’t shoot the cannon. More accurately, the “Turret Blast” spell casts, but no damage is done. I also can’t exit the vehicle.
I ended up having to skip the intro tonight after many attempts of reloading, deleting the quest, checking addons, etc. There is a way to get to Draenor from Pandaria, the underwater timeless isle cave. It puts you in Gorgrond, but if you go to Shadowmoon/Frostfire where the garrisons are located, you can immediately start the garrison questline.
their was a 100 mb patch, was able finish quest after that. not sure if their any issues beyond but i left that area fine, cannon works again.
Here to confirm the 100mb patch fixed it for me as well.
same issue here. not fixed.
very bugged for me too, 3rd try I got though it. Kill the 200 orcs, hit the get out of turret button, then press big button behind dwarf working on wheel.