[A] Tèam Rocket Recruiting for weekend morning raiders!

Tèam Rocket is recruiting for it’s 6 straight year as we look to build our roster for Dragonflight! This guild was founded just before Legion with one goal in mind - raid without ever making it feel like a second job. We have managed to achieve this each and every raid tier and more! We have pushed ourselves within our raid times and have managed to reach new heights at every turn without every relinquishing our original goal.

Our goal will remain the same in Dragonflight and with that we are looking for like minded individuals to join our ranks! Fellow players who are okay with laughing at themselves as well as others, players that log on to play with their friends, players that don’t mind being up in the morning and most of all players that just like to have fun! While I am sure we will do some Mythic raiding as stated before that is not our goal. We will merely do the content that is before us until the next patch comes out (we do always manage to make it to Mythic and do like 4ish bosses, but usually not more than that). We are also willing to take in any horde that are wanting to join!

We are currently 7/8H and 2/8M.

Our Raid Times are Saturday/Sunday 9:30am to 12:00pm EST

For Dragonflight we are currently just recruiting DPS players with a high need on the following:

  • Havoc DH

  • Mage of any kind

  • Warlock

If anyone of above sounds like what you are looking for please contact any of the following:

(GM) Burntlettuce#1968
(Officer) Maxwest#1865
(Officer) YAYTIFFY#1381

You guys wouldn’t be looking for a disc priest and possibly a brewmaster would you? those raid times are perfect

Sorry for the delayed response, but our team is currently full on both healers and thanks.

Also bump, still looking for a few more dps to round out our roster for Dragonflight.

You guys looking for a rogue by chance?

we are looking for any and all DPS, if you are interested please shoot one of us a line.

also Bump, still looking for some more DPS

Still looking for a few more to round out the DPS

I know you guys are not looking for a healer but if you want a bench warmer (resto druid), I am looking for a weekend morning raid guid ( I have never done mornings and would like to try it out) and being a sub would actually work out pretty well.


Rolling a mage just for you guys. I take it you’re full on melee dps?

Your raid times work very well with my schedule if you need a Frost mage.

Always would LOVE any mage so please, hit me up in game

Would love a mage, we are pretty full on DPS on, we are just looking for Mages to round us out !! Hit me up if interested

any potential need for a hunter or dk or any heals?

we are currently full on heals, looking for a mage now

Bump, still looking for a mage!

Been awhile since our last bump but we are pushing along. We are currently on H Rasz progression. Looking for a few more range dps to join us =).

Added on Battle.net. DadToast#1888

Before raid bump =)

Added! Agithos#1317 - would love to chat.

Discouraging. Reached out to an officer, was told spots were full. Came by today to see the recruiting post bumped again.