[A] <Symbiosis> Weekly 10/10H Clear (Casual Raid Group) LFM!

Bumping as we begin mythic this week!

Bump, went 1/10m and 5/10h tonight and will continue prog on Thursday.

Bump for more progress, also currently recruiting a main tank

Updated for the week of 7/20. Currently have a high priority for PRIESTS, MONKS, and DEATH KNIGHTS.

Updated 7/27. Still looking for that elusive MONK, also need a full time healer to join our exceptional healing core. DISC PRIEST preferred but have a spot in the main raid for a great player of any healing class.

Also updated the community raid information, as that group is now currently farming normal/heroic casually each week.

Downed The Nine in 3 attempts this week.

The mythic prog group has an immediate and urgent need for a non-druid HEALER, and also 1-2 ranged DPS. A warlock or a boomkin would be perfect, but will consider any exceptional player (as always.)

The community raid is full clearing normal mode in ~2.5 hours and is using their second night for heroic progress. That group needs all types of DPS.

The community raid is now 4/10 Heroic!

We’re now looking for the following in our casual group:

  • Any DPS is currently welcome to apply, though DK/Ret Pally preferred for melee
  • We’re also looking for a DPS/Resto specced Shaman who is open to swapping when needed!

The above post will be updated to reflect this!

Community Raid has downed Painsmith Raznal! 6/10!

We’re still looking for a DPS DK and a DPS/Resto shaman willing to spec swap at times!

We’re sitting at 4/10m, 10/10h at the end of week 8.

Currently in need of a main tank for the mythic prog group.

Now 5/10m, and the fun begins.

The community raid is now 9/10 Heroic! Time for Sylvanas practice!

Our group is now specifically looking for a DK DPS, and a DPS/Healer who is willing to swap specs as needed. Please feel free to message us otherwise if interested!

Bump. We’re past Painsmith!

The mythic roster needs a main tank and high parsing DPS players immediately. We’re regularly getting into phase 2 on Sylvanas and are looking forward to a kill and CE for the tier shortly after our holiday hiatus ends.

The mythic raid team moved to horde. This guild is now raiding casually on the alliance side. All are welcome!