[A] SV hunter(sometimes BM) and boomy/rdruid LF for guild. Currently 6/9M ATDH

Used to be on the server years ago. LF a new home for some fun casual raiding and M+ pushing for s4 and The War Within. Best pull on M Smolderon was like a 4% wipe. We work weekend graveyard shifts so would have to be mon-thurs raid times/activity for us. Reach out with any questions. If you’d like to chat my battletag is cranberry#1429

Hi Richochet (fellow hunter) and friend, “Insanity Raiding” ( guild since 2010, 18+) may be a good fit for the both of you. We are a large casual progressive (NOT CE) that has been currently rebuilding our team for Season 4 (not raiding at all til then). Our raid is T/W 7:45-10pm EST. Besides raiding the guild does M+, transmog & mount runs, TWs, some PVP (BGs), etc. We also have a number of older members aged 50+. If you have any questions, I’m online practically every day during the early afternoon or you can send mail. If you would like an invite, since your toon uses unusual spelling and my WIM doesn’t always pick that up for invites, I would advise applying to our guild using guild-finder (Raid, not Social tab), and we would invite you through there. Hope to have the both of you join our family!