Good day!
We are looking for a tank (non-warrior) OR Balance Druid for 10-player Ulduar HMs.
Raid time - Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. EST until ~12:00 a.m. EST (We go later sometimes)
Current Progress - 13/14 Normal, 2 tower FL, IC HM, Thorim HM. Going for XT + Freya this week too.
We have fun, get ripped, kill bosses. All 9 players are good players, can parse blue-orange, and are quite vocal and show up. Just missing our last piece of the raid group puzzle.
Ulduar 25-player is not mandatory to come to, but we also run that Fridays at 8:00 server. Just normal clears until HM is more accessible, as it’s a one night raid and we PUG some.
Discord: CharlieD#7337
BNET: Snoochey#1796