We are a daytime raiding guild on Dalaran with the hopes of solidifying a core team for raiding normal and heroic Sanctum of Domination, with the view to go on to mythic progression.
We do have a few ranks that are essential for progressing in this new raid but are open to having as many fun and flexible members in the guild. We have our set raid days but also run keys, pvp and achievements.
Current progression:
2/10 Mythic
10/10 Heroic
10/10 Normal
6/12 Mythic
12/12 Heroic
12/12 Normal
Raid Times
Tue 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Est
Wed 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Est
Roles needed:
Rogue, warlock, spriest, boomy/feral druid, frost and/or unholy dk, ret pally. Other classes welcome!
Please feel free to send me a message on discord @Pixie_Riot#5476