Our survivability nerfs are fair. People are still complaining about our damage and most of all, our judgement dispel.
Here is my suggestion for pvp only changes.
-Tone down FV damage by 15%
-Tone down JV damage if needed
-Scrap judgement dispel pvp talent
+Give Ret paladins a Mortal Strike pvp talent
Having MS means we don’t have to overcompensate with crazy damage and it shouldn’t have any impact on PVE if tuning is only pvp focused.
Nah you’re going down a dangerous path with nerfing spenders. The problem was never our spender damage it was the multipliers I’m combination with multiple dps proc spells hitting at the same time which they already are nerfing and may need to nerf further. Ret needs to keep sustain damage and nerfing generators/spenders is a dangerous slippery slope and aren’t even the issue currently.
I do see your point about the ms though. Ret has to do big dmg to kill anyone without it but idk if giving up dmg to stuff that is actually fine as it is after targeting the real issues is a good trade off.
Nobody wants damage nerfs but MS is 10x more valuable. It opens up rets viability with multiple classes and would end up toning down the big numbers ppl hate seeing.
Maybe they’ll wait until 10.1 when the crit changes go live to make any further adjustments. Who knows?
I do know that not having a MS sucks and most ppl I know who play competitively would gladly trade out dmg for healing reduction.
Yeah I could see that. It will be interesting to see how 10.1 effects everything with the crit nerfs but I still think trading more of the multiplier damage and proccing effects like DA and ES for a MS is the way to go rather than nerfing spenders. Spenders are fine where they are with multiplier nerfs and when DA and ES combined with ire aren’t hitting at the exact same time.
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I just watched Mes, Zerohöur, who plays almost nothing but Ret Paladins, with his top-tier skill level, he is doing average DPS. That tells you everything is on par.
I watched the stream and he was saying Ret still felt OP. Granted he’s a top 01% player so the way he plays a class isn’t indicative of how most players will.
I’d like to see pvp healthy.
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I was watching his stream. I watched Mes’ stream for about 1 1/2 hours. One of the mods said they were a tad bit OP, but as time went on, the Mod redacted their words. A druid easily out-DPS’ed Mes in a 3 vs. 3. Mes’ DPS was moderate because he had to keep the Hunter alive.
He logged off around 1 hour ago, and we were sent to Payo’s stream. He said that he couldn’t get sleep.
Go to the next one… I can feel this is going to be a long day speaking with you and you trying to counter my research.