A suggestion for fury am/abandon capstones

Change unbridled and depths to something completely different, buff the base duration of reck to like 16 to 20 sec.

Both unbridled and depths kinda do what am already does, but worse, just make them different and instead increase the base duration of recklessness.

I’d rather have a tight burst-period, even if not hugely potent, remain tight and thereby more bursty than if its potency were stretched out over 16 to 20 seconds (33 to 80% greater duration)…

That would just get fury nerfed again.

This is the cycle of burst, do insane burst for a patch or two maybe if you’re lucky, get nerfed, now your damage is trash. Also i generally do not like super bursty profiles, because they are usually not great gameplay. Low proc rate aside during cds, but cds are low uptime, no cdr or cde, it’s just usually pretty boring. The only bursty profile that i had fun with was mostly demonology back in s1/2 of df, which was probably the best version of demo ever made.

This suggestion was also partially made so they can spread out damage a bit better for reckless abandon while still having good burst. It wasn’t just about making better capstones

And retain the AM gameplay, relatively untouched.

Mate, it’s literally what we have right now. You’re the one suggesting an 80% duration buff that would require its potency (%crit and % rage gen and gutting the bonus damage on RA now that you’ve given 80% more Boodbaths/Crushing Blows) to be nerfed in turn.

No, the reason why fury burst was nerfed was because they dealt a majority of their damage in a 10 sec window.

That’s why they put caps on abilities etc etc… Increasing the duration of the window would make the damage more sustained, which in turn means blizzard is less likely to nerf it in the long term.

Sure there may be some damage nerfs immediately after the patch drops due to the longer duration, but that’s expected, if the duration is longer then the burst cannot be the same, but after that, you’re much less likely to get other nerfs

But even with a 16/20 sec duration window, reckless abandon would still be a pretty significant burst in damage due to the lack of cdr, while instead am would have an uptime on recklessness about as high as you would have right now with both capstones talented

Only that instead of bad capstones, you would have "hopefully’ better ones.

We got about 6 days this go around.

What you’re describing seems to rely far more on what goes into those 10s, namely the overlap with Avatar and Odyn’s — that is, how much input potency can be thrown into the window rather than the multiplier of Recklessness itself. And that much could be addressed without individual nerfs. Odyn’s Fury is already made relatively independent of Avatar via the latter’s augmenting node. As for Recklessness and OF, have OF auto-crit with damage bonus only from passive crit chance (if any), with base %AP obviously nerfed proportionately in compensation.

I don’t want to become a bleed class. Arms was borked because when they shifted a lot of it’s power to bleeds. We just need more sustained or some very heavy ST buffs so we don’t feel sad between cool downs.

There is another option, buff unbridled back to 20% and instead completely change depths of insanity to something different. Why have two talents that basically do the same thing?

The issue has originally always been depths then they also ruined unbridled ferocity by significantly over nerfing the proc. 6% is just insane, who came up with that number?

The prior suggestion is also valid, but it might be easier to just buff unbridled since there is nothing particularly wrong with it, and instead change depths of insanity

Probably because RNG-dependent uptime increases and flat per-use uptime increases often impact (and synergize with) one’s profile very differently?

That said, mostly agreed. I don’t think we’re getting back 20% any time soon even if you remove Onslaught from its triggers, but 6% is indeed far too low. Even if it meant buffing everything else in turn as not to be obligatory (and taking a spec aura nerf in turn), I’d go ahead and do that in order to bring it up to 12-15%.

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