[A] <Style> 5/10M Recruiting DPS

< Style >

Server: Proudmoore

Faction: Alliance

Raid times: Tues/Wed 6PM-9PM PST (server time). Optional Heroic/Alt raid on Sunday 6PM-9PM PST.

Current Sanctum Progression: 5/10M

Castle Nathria Progression: 8/10M

< Style > is recruiting raiders to push into Mythic Sanctum of Domination. Our raid environment is generally lighthearted and easygoing, but we do seek consistent progression through the tier. Since we formed in Legion, we’ve built up a team of many veteran raiders who have considerable Mythic experience. Our core team is immensely solid, and we’re looking for more motivated and self-starting raiders who strive to put their abilities to the test. We’re aiming to achieve Cutting Edge as a guild during this expansion. Outside of raiding, we often do M+ dungeons and other assorted content, including things like achievement runs.

Potential Raid Needs:

►Frost/Unholy Death Knight
►Enhancement Shaman
►Balance Druid
►Havoc Demon Hunter
►Shadow Priest
►Ret Paladin

All exceptional players will be considered regardless of spec.

Requirements & Expectations:

Addons: Exorsus Raid Tools, WeakAuras, one of either DBM or Bigwigs (player preference)
►Prior raiding experience (preferably Mythic)
►At least an 80% attendance for mandatory raids.
►A deep understanding of your class.
►Working mic/ability to call out important details in Discord
►Ability to listen to instructions/constructive criticism
►Make sure you’re doing enough content for your Great Vault options

If you’re interested in trialing with us, reach out via Bnet or Discord, and we’ll be happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

Bnet contact: Steven#14446 or Whammy#11753
Discord contact: Steven#8161 or Whammy#9012

We’re still recruiting more raiders.

Still recruiting DPS players.