Hey friends,
We’re looking for a mythic raiding guild! Days don’t really matter but ideally starting at 8p or 9p if the day is M-R. Weekend (F/S/S) times don’t matter whatsoever. Switching to horde is not an option 
WW monk - Munjie - 1.1k io - 2/10M (and AOTC)
Resto druid - Xlynks - 1.3k io - 2/10M (and AOTC)
Logs are available upon request.
Discord - uhitsbri#6414
Bnet - uhitsbri#1817
Hey Munjie!
I added you on discord and hope to chat!
We over at Pack Mentality on Stormrage - Alliance are scouring the interwebs for awesome folks seeking a home away from home. With an average age around 30, we have players from across the world ranging from military and students to 9-5ers and stay-at-homers. With such an interesting blend of personalities, we have had a fun time learning from each other!
Formed in the summer of 2019, the guild has achieved AOTC in Eternal Palace, Ny’alotha, and Castle Nathria with some mythic kills. Our goal is to further our adventure into mythic Castle Nathria. Raid nights are Thursday 9-12 Eastern and Friday 9pm-12am Eastern. Saturdays are an optional night typically reserved for alt runs/pvp/keys.
Current Progression: 2/10M, 10/10H
Our current needs are as follows:
- Tanks: Closed
- Healers: Holy Paladin, Disc Priest
- Melee DPS: Warrior/Windwalker
- Ranged DPS: Fire Mage
If your spec is not listed, we would still love to chat! We are always recruiting exceptional players and all roles for Mythic +.
For further information, feel free to add myself, Dabears#1561, KriztovChaos#1801, or raand#1678.
Hello! I am the GM of Aspire on Stormrage https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/stormrage/Aspire. Team Black is very interested in both of you. They raid Sun/Mon 9:30pm-12:30am and are 3/10 Mythic. I have added u on bnet, hope to chat soon.
Hey my guild is currently recruiting for mythic progress so I thought I’d reach out to you to gauge interest. We recently restarted mythic progression after reforming the guild last month and currently progressing on Xymox. We do our optional heroic reclears on Fridays 9-12PM EST so if you would like to come along and get a feel for the raid environment feel free to fill out an app, I’ll link the guild’s forum post below with the info. If you have any questions you can contact me at SgtSlappy#3801 on dis or anyone listed in the forum post.
<Pláceholder> AOTC 2/10M looking for more for mythic roster
Raid Times: 9pm-12am Tues/Thur