[A] Stormrage Tank/Healer LF AOTC Guild

Hello everyone,
Returning player from season 1 looking for an active AOTC focused guild. During season 1 I was a BM hunter who achieved AOTC and 3/8 Mythic. My focus this season and beyond is either healing as a Holy Pally or Tanking as a DH. I am currently 62 on my paly and my DH is max level in the mid to high 400 ilvl. I haven’t decided which role i’m going to play as I’m currently learning both roles. Aside from my BM Hunter, Holy Paly, and Vengeance DH I also have an ele shaman max level that was my alt in season 1 and a max level Warrior I had for fun doing pvp. I have yet to use my free 70-character token as well. Please feel free to reply if you’re a part of an AOTC accomplished guild and looking to take a newer healer/Tank under your wing to practice in learn this season with prep for next expansion. Looking forward to hearing from you all Thanks. Please feel free to message me on If I’m not as responsive on the forum. Thanks and have a good day.

Hello. I sent you a friend request on dc. My guild is newly formed. Our goal is AOTC and some mythic. We have former AOtC and some mythic raider. We raid 2 nights a week Tuesday and Wednesday 8 to 10 cst. We need a healer message on dc for me info @ kingbeezus

Just send you a request on discord.