[A] Stormrage - <Straight Outta Varrock> LF Healers and DPS for Mythic Prog and M+ Tues/Thurs

Straight Outta Varrock is looking for a main healer and a few for our core progression group into Mythic. We are AOTC and 6/8 M. Our raid times are T/Th 9pm to 12am EST with a heroic alt run on Fridays. We have locked our raid to start focusing on Broodkeeper.

Desired Healers: Holy Paladin, Resto Druid, Disc Priest

All other classes and roles are welcomed to apply.

We also have multiple Mythic + groups and already have KSM.

Please feel free to reach out to me in game (k1ngw0rth#1327) or through discord (k1ngw0rth#3729). Please have current logs of current content.

Hi! Interested in chatting with you, I am a holy priest looking for a raiding guild. Is the plan to continue with mythic raid progression or is the main goal AOTC? Thanks!

Bumping for an exceptional healer

what about a healer and a dps father/son combo? I do the healing 23 yr old son does the dps. We have all orange parses for mythic + and 3 kills 8/8H. Love to chat.

bnet: Possieden#1999

Hey I added you but feel free to add me to discord if I’m not online

Bumping for visible

Bumpin, looking for exceptional players

Hey havoc DH here aotc 2/8m exp i might be interested in joining you guys if you have room :slight_smile:

hey, hit me up on discord and we can talk

Bumping, 3/8M now

Bumping for 4/8 M!

bumperino for teamerino

Previous mythiic kingaroth healer, haven’t taken raid serious since, but i’m back strong for Dragonflight, i’m catching up on ilvl on my resto druid, but i’m more than happy to fill whatever position youre wanting :smiley:

Hey how’s it going? Want to hit me up on discord? k1ngw0rth#3729

Big bump for the guild

Grimtotem down! 5/8

Dathea down 6/8 now