[A] Stormrage <NonPareil> 5/10H

Looking for a Guild in a similar situation…

Our guild has a strong core, but we often times suffer from inconsistency, attrition, and some player skill caps that are preventing us from further progressing in our AOTC run. Currently we are 5/10 Heroic, and farm normal on Mains and alts on off days as well as a few Mythic+ groups.

We are searching for a “Brother/Sister” guild in the same situation. Merging is not required, but possibly an option in either direction. The plan is simple in essence. We hope to form a larger raid and slowly trim down to a steady, progression based, min/max/, well coordinated and led team. Our goal is AOTC pre patch-nerfs with a possible push into Mythic raiding based on composition and continuity.

My battle net ID: Xclusive#1544

Server: Stormrage (Alliance)


Contact me via this post or in Game!

Our Guild: adults, large military contingency, thick skinned, light hearted, dark humored, communicators, Team focused, Family first, Real life first, min maxers, casually hardcore.

ISO exceptional players, not classes. Hit me up in game!

I sent you a friend request on battle.net. Mine is KtownWright#2130. But our guild has 1 healer,1 tank and 8 or so dps. We have had a struggle finding committed players who adapt quickly to mechanics. I am the raid lead for my team. We could talk over discord! This guild has two teams already so it’d be nice to complete this one :).

I’ll message you in game and we can talk on discord tomorrow

Bump. It ain’t no funnnnn unless the homies get some…

Bump for the jump

Two more bosses down tonight, Inerva and Council. Let’s go get that AOTC, hit me up in game now!

7/10 let me get that bump credit :slight_smile: <3

Bump for the jump.

i guess i have to bump this again :slight_smile: Where everyone be at?

still looking for people like us…still pushing to AOTC, 7/10[H], full clears on normal with alts…M10+ teams…

Bump. LF exceptional DPS to to push AOTC in the next couple of weeks.