[A] [Stormrage] Looking for heroic raiding guild for Shadowlands (will transfer/reroll)

Hi there,

I’m looking for a casual raiding guild for Shadowlands. I’ve played off and on since TBC but skipped over most of BFA since the story didn’t interest me all that much. I’ve been playing and raiding in Classic for the past 6 months and am really looking forward to getting back into retail with Shadowlands.

I have a Paladin and Warlock at 120, but also plan to level an alt or two before Shadowlands releases so I could potentially fill a few different roles based on the guild’s needs. I have raiding experience as a Demonology Warlock and Holy Paladin throughout Legion. In Classic, I raid as a Warlock.

My goals for Shadowlands are to clear Normal and Heroic raids as they are released, and if we can push into Mythic raids after heroic is cleared, I would consider it a bonus.

My availability is Monday - Wednesday starting at 9 PM Eastern. I would prefer a two night per week schedule.

I am willing to transfer realms if needed or faction change for the right guild.

If you are interested in CE please hit me up. Same server!

Hi there! I think we fit exactly what you’re looking for, schedule and all!

Going to drop guild info below, check it out, and looking forward to you reaching out!

Exalted with Jeeves | Alliance | Stormrage |

RAID TIMES: Tues & Wed - 8:00PM to 10:30PM CST.


12/12 H - Ny’alotha - AOTC

CURRENTLY RECRUITING: DPS + HEALS in preparation for Shadowlands!

Greetings! We are a 5 year old raiding guild from Fizzcrank/Aggramar that moved to Stormrage in 2019. We are an AOTC-focused, non-hardcore guild that believes you can experience raiding/keys in a laid back environment. We take the player, not the class/spec. We enjoy a casual raid atmosphere while still being serious-minded about progression. Pushing Mythic+ keys is also something we love to do and are always looking for more people to run them with. Our guild family also likes to stay connected outside of game. Some of us are on Twitter, stream on Twitch, and do annual BlizzCon meetups.


Our guild is comprised mostly of busy adults who are 25-30+ with lives, families, school, jobs etc. Real-life comes first. Don’t have time to grind/research every min-max thing outside of raid? We feel you. We believe you can still enjoy raiding without the obligation for constant activity outside of raid.


⦁ Patient, friendly players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun and joke around while still being focused on raiding strategy.

⦁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!

⦁ Exceptional players that arrive raid ready with an strong awareness of their class, boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.

Gear Requirements: As we have achieved our end goal for the Tier, we are not presently raiding. Gear requirements being less important, we’re interested in connecting with individuals who fit our community and can stick with us for our next adventures!


Awesome! Contact either me (Allix), to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we would be a good fit for you! OR you can visit our guild website and apply so you can tell us more about yourself!




Aliix (Recruitment Officer):

BNET: Frozen#1269

DISCORD: Aliix#8268