[A] Stormrage <FibonacciSequence> LFM Sat 7:30-10:30PM EST Casual-Prog

We raid on: Saturday from 7:30-10:30 PM EST. We are 7/8N 1/8H.

FS is a casual-prog guild that focuses on fun.

Several of us also raid with The Vigil (Shadow Council) on Friday from 8:00 PM - Midnight EST. They are also 7/8N 1/8H.

A little about us: FS members are made up of those in the guild, a couple of horde friends, and a couple of alliance friends on other servers. We are pretty laid back. We love to level alts, only run M+ when we need to (though we do have a few in the guild that like to push keys and would like more friends!) and like to run old content for transmog.

We have those that don’t talk much while some just don’t know how to be quiet. And some that cuss like a sailor.

What we are looking for:

2 Ranged - Priest, Shaman, Mage

1 Melee - Shaman, DK, Monk

1 Backup Tank

Feel free to message me on discord: Dominirae#5824