[A][Stormrage] <Exo> (3/8M Uldir) LF All Roles for BoD

<Exo> is an old guild from Dragonblight which transferred to Stormrage in search of mythic raiders. We are a guild full of experienced raiders always looking to expand our roster.

We are not a world first guild nor do we aim to be. Our primary goal is to get loot and have a good time, however this still means on progression nights we do expect you to show up, put on your serious face, and kill some filtered.

Our raids are on 3 nights a week; Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9pm-12 Server Time (EST). The Monday raids are optional farm/alt nights (Normal/Heroic) with Tuesday/Wednesday being mandatory progression nights.

Currently we are accepting applications for any role, off specs are always a welcome addition but not required. Performance and skill will be looked at above gear, experience, or class.

We do not have a minimum item level required to join our raid team, however we will require you to catch up in our Monday farm-runs up until you are at a mythic level.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining or trialing with us please add Pasha#1800, Java#1849 or Bushido#1988 on bnet to talk with an officer.