[A] [Stormrage] <Eon> 9/9M - Weekend - 3x (DF) CE - Sat/Sun - LF HEAL/DPS

To the top!

More more more!!

Any Rick and Morty fans?

The winter is coming… or weekend… one of the two I’m tired ok

Final bump before the grind begins again

Superbowl or t swift… or both.

Got more prog last weekend. Finally 2 days where… lets not jinx it. Saturday big prog?

big hype prog today lets get ittttt

t swift kill your guild? Join ours!

A good leader doesn’t need to demean the opposition. You just show them through results, not talk.

weekend coming up! Get ready to dodge fire beams!!

Another good week. Make it a good weekend to boot!

30%, boss is dead next week. Imagine if we had this roster since week 1 :upside_down_face:

The boss died lets gooo!

Lets goooooo more bosses down

Well who wants to join and kill some pixels

CE almost in sight!

Just a little more! We got this.

One last bump for the ride

Just wanted to post and say I put in an application o/ 7/9 disc priest 487