[A] [Stormrage] <Eon> 9/9M - Weekend - 3x (DF) CE - Sat/Sun - LF HEAL/DPS

After three posts back to back to back allowed

Lets get it, a good ol 4/9 mythic now. Can we get to 5 by the end of tomorrow? Who knows!

So close. 22%

We’re looking strong going into holiday time

Almost the weekend. Any pumpers looking for a team to push?

It t’was the night before raid week…

And all through the house

So who up for some keys now that the tree be dead?

The goat died… RIP

Reset day… Vault luck?

Happy Holidays. Have a good week everyone

Now that we’re back to progging does smoldy die this week?!

Smold died in 2.5 days? Time for Tswift

Lets gooooo

More dps?!

And another one. Thanks for the apps. Keep up the momentum!

Lf tank ps on Fyrakk soon

Still on the search for a tank to be our savior

Tanks where are youuuu

Looking for more pumpers