[A] [Stormrage] <Brewed Success> NA Morning/Daytime Guild

EDIT: We are now looking for toons of all flavors to join us for AoTC in 9.1

Brewed Success is a friendly and inclusive alliance guild created by a couple friends to help fill the void in the WoW community that is daytime guilds.

Raid times are Fridays and Saturdays starting at 11 AM CDT/5 PM GMT until 2 PM CDT/8 PM GMT

18+ only, preferably 21+, we are not kid friendly and will not try to be.

We also have a guild Discord for chatting with each other outside of the game.

We focus on all aspects of WoW, social, M+, and raiding. We also do achievement runs from time to time.

We really stress creating a fun, inclusive community, so leave your toxicity at the door.

Contact Siren with any questions.
BNET - Siren#11152 | DISCORD - Siren#8744

Morning bump. (:


We’ll make the guild feel like home :slight_smile:

Today’s bump. Still building, slowly gathering more people.


Awseomse! Feel free to add me on BNET at Siren#11152 or through Discord at Siren#8744 and reach out with any questions! If you’re on Stormrage already, our guild is also listed under the guild recruitment so you can apply through there as well if you want.

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Morning bump

Hi, Stormrage here. Wife and I are looking for a morning raid guild for SL. If you guys start at 10am that would be perfect to raid until 1pm or what-not. Holy Paladin and Feral Druid. Edit: We have tons of experience with raiding and have past-logs.

Hey! We would love to have you guys. If you have any specific questions, feel free to add me on BNET at Siren#11152 or you can simply search our guild in the guild recruitment window and apply to it, leave a little note saying you came from the forums. (:

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Today’s bump.

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Another bump, we are growing

Bump, come raid with us!

Bumping, we have a full raid team but still looking for new friends and could potentially create a second team if interest is there

Bumping as we are currently looking for a warlock to add to our team.

Warlock bump.

Still looking for a warlock for our team.

Still looking for a RDPS and Mage!

Bump. Looking for a mage, a warlock, and one other RDPS.

Bump, we have a few DPS slots open on our heroic raid team, specifically looking for a mage.