[A] [Stormrage] 606 Lock LF late night raiding guild

Hello, I am looking for a guild that raids from 10pm EST. Way back in the day, WOTLK / Cata / some of MoP, I did alot of Heroic raids in the days before Mythic. Ive been off and on since then, but lately it feels like I have recaptured the magic of WoW, and I want to start raiding again, ideally aiming for AOTC.

The best way to reach me is through Battlenet (Ambersbish#1951), I dont check Discord often but I will be for a while if you would rather reach out there (siasish, or Siasish#1369, I dont know I just use it for voice with my brother.), or you can drop your advert and info here and I’ll reach out, but I tend to forget to check the forums. Bnet is by far the best way to reach me.