Stormlight is a guild made up of mostly parents and professional adults that strive to enjoy this game in our downtime but still progress and see all content at a reasonable pace. We raid 25 mans on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11pm PST. We also run a couple of optional 10 man groups between Friday and Monday. We use Suicide Kings as our current loot system which works to keep the loot distributed evenly and without much drama.
We are hoping to top up our roster by finding a hunter or possibly unholy DK to our main team. We would prefer that you be 80 and close to at least pre-raid bis as we would like you to be able to jump right in. Experience in Wrath raids is not required but a willingness to learn, research and take constructive advice is encouraged.
If you have any questions feel free to DM me on discord Spankmeplzz#5638