(Casual) is a brand new fresh start social leveling guild. Most of us are just returning or starting the game. The goal is to create a community where you can make some friends on your journey to level 70 and have other players to quest and run dungeons with along the way. We will keep a non toxic friendly environment for anyone that just wants to enjoy the game at their own pace. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, feel free to add me on bnet jaymon #11212 or whisper me in game.
Looking for more like minded people! Come join us!
We are growing larger everyday! Come join us and make some friends on your way to 70!
About 40 members strong now, come join in on the fun!
We have over 80 members now! Come join in the fun!
I want to join.
We’d love to have you! Whisper anyone in game for an invite!
We have over 100 members leveling, come make some friends!
Still looking for social casual players leveling up!