[A] <Steel Knight Sentry> Will be doing some light recruiting

is a guild that has it’s roots in WoW Alpha/Beta/Vanilla.

Several of us have decided to come back for Classic WotLK for the memberberries.

We’re looking to do some light recruiting with the caveat that we have settled on moving to Old Blanchy shortly. Shortly isn’t defined of when, but we want to move within the time frame of the free transfers.

Rarely recruits by posting in this manner. We, in the past, have run open dungeons, raids and PVP. When we find someone who acts as a comrade in arms, we often invite them into the fold. We treat guilds as a team sport where we are all working towards the same goals. We try to build a community as opposed to a loose group of people who are held together only by the intent to get gear and see content. That gear; that content, is more meaningful when you are doing it friends; people you can see yourself still calling friends 10 years down the road.

If this sounds like a group you would be interested in being part of, please check out our application on Guilded: