Basic Info:
We are a midcore raiding guild new to the server. Most of our members having recently transferred from Ashkandi, we are trying to build our roster with like-minded, competitive raiders to tackle all incoming raid content with efficiency, momentum, and family-like enjoyment!
Scheduled raids:
Current content: Late night, but flexible on hours. To be determined later.
Days: To be determined at a later date, but leaning towards Tuesdays and Saturdays at this time.
Offdays: Alt-Raiding, gearing Karazhan and Gruuls/Mags.
Current Recruitment Priorities:
All classes/roles welcome!
Raider Expectations and Objectives:
The principal objective is to have fun, make friends, and raid competitively as part of an efficient, skilled team.
All consumables will be handled by guild leadership, and guild members are encouraged, but not required to help maintain/resupply materials in guild bank.
Fully gemmed and enchanted (assistance can be provided if needed).
85% attendance (Communicate if you cannot make a raid. Life happens and always comes first. Just communicate as part of the team).
Although we are not “hardcore,” at the end of the day, we are a family unit that wants to maintain current content objectives. We are not expecting to play at the level of aggressive raiding, but we would at least like to remain competitive. If this guild memo appeals to you, you can reach us almost at all hours of the day. Please whisper the following in game if interested:
Tazaani, Feryn, Goldén, Tazea, Glinnt, Middnight