<A> <Soul Tap> Late Night Group- (Heroic Focused)

Greetings those who play in the puddles. It is I, God of puddles and splashing water Yeags, member of Soul Tap and founder of the Late Night Group In the guild! We will be a second raid group in the guild meant for members who do not fit ordinary times (like myself). If you have any questions about this group PLEASE do not hesitate to Add me to Btag or find me in game! The following is more info on our group.

Raid Days/Times:

Thursday: 9:50pm-12am
Sunday: 9:00pm-12am
Total Days-2
Total Time Raiding- 5 Hours 10 Minutes

Focus of Raid group: To progress through Normal and Heroic in a timely matter that fits a second raid team schedule OR main raid if you are like myself. Heroic and AOTC farming. Mythic will only be achieved if we make it over 20 Members consistently.

Currently we need 2 Tanks of any tank class!
-Demon Hunter
-Death Knight

Currently we are seeking 1 or 2 of the following classes (no more then 2 more healers for the group!

Currently we are open recruiting any and all DPS.

Even though this is a second raid group in this guild. It will not be treated as a part timer alt run. This is my main run as I work a funny schedule, so heroic raiding is what I am left with! We are looking for like minded individuals seeking 5 hours of raiding on a main or a second character knowing that consistent attendance is needed. Life happens but missing more then making raid won’t be tolerated. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!

First Raid Day-(Hopefully) - 1/10/19

Any other questions please feel free to reach out.

As for myself- I raid lead and ran a guild from Cata to the end of Legion ranging from AOTC to CE raids (both 10 and 25). I enjoy leading groups with individuals of similar desires in raiding. I don’t expect everyone to be AMAZING but the ability to listen, learn, and adapt is HUGE in a team setting. (I coach IRL year around so team is huge to me). I have not missed a AOTC ever and do not plan on it!

The rain is brought by the gods known to descend from ancient times of water, including the god of Puddles and Splashing water.

Yeags, God of Puddles and Splashing Water.


Would love to chat – I’m one of 8 AoTC raiders on Lightbringer who are looking for a consistent raiding guild to close out this tier and start strong into the next! We have also been Heroic farming, and 1/8M primarily due to not having 20 guildies online consistently.

I added you on BNET: Harmonica#11755


Thank you for the add! I won’t be home until late tonight but when I get home I will add you so we can chat! Thank you for posting to my post!

this is just a bump.

Still searching! updated group needs!

I’m interested, I’m a returning player.
I added you on bnet.

I added you. I have a 408 ilvl lock.