[A] Soul Breakers - Heroic AOTC and Mythic plus

We formed Soul Breakers simply because we wanted a guild to call our own and we feel that we share enough common interests in World of Warcraft to build a foundation. We want to push Heroic content with a short schedule because we enjoy things outside of raiding or have responsibilities that don’t allow us to make a longer commitment. We want a guild community where members are comfortable enjoying things outside of a raid together such as mythic+, pvp or even other games without feeling the need to find a pick up group.

We are looking for players who want to win. Players who strive to be the best, have situational awareness and know how to use a healthpot. Players who know what raiding is, know that wipes are part of it, and are not afraid to admit they made a mistake in order to fix it. It’s important to mention that we are looking for players who expect all the same from us. We feel that:
Soul Breakers will be a good fit for you and you will be a good fit for Soul Breakers if

-You prefer an organized, productive and fun raid environment.

-You’re looking for an active, long term guild to progress with and you feel you can contribute.

-You want to enjoy your fellow guild and raid members.

-You want to progress through heroic content and are ok with a shorter schedule.

-You’re not worried about being the first one there as long as you get there

-You prepare and learn fights outside of the raid schedule and appreciate the same from other raiders.

-You can both give and take constructive criticism in a mature and respectful manner.

Soul Breakers strives to offer all its members:

-A guild with active, fun and like minded players.

-A guild with an organized group of officers who work as a team.

-A stable environment based on principles of retention. Not over recruitment.

-A guild where members matter and are not lost in over population.

-A raid that is efficient and productive without sacrificing fun.

-A raid team that welcomes input, ideas, and strategies.

-A raid team where spots are earned based on merit and not on favoritism.

Raid Schedule: Wed 8-10PM and Fri 8-11PM (EST)
We are 4/8 h Nerub’ar Palace
We do not extend beyond this raiding schedule for progression.
We prefer to talk in person and see players in action via trials. No applications here.
Contact us in game: Darksledge#1348

great progression, positive attitudes all around. gained 3 bosses this week and looking to smash the rest soon 4/8H now