[A] Sons of Lothar Recruiting Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm Server

<Sons of Lothar> is under new management ever since Trollbane’s retirement (a quest giver, really?). We are focused on semi-hardcore raiding and are currently recruiting DPS, Healers and offspec/Karazhan tanks who are looking for an environment that isn’t pushing to the limits but also doesn’t like to waste time. Our goals are to clear all of TBCC’s content as well as prepare for a potential WotLK Classic, while running some older content for fun and bragging rights!

Raid Times:
Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM server time. Invites go out 15-20 minutes prior (7:40ish).

11/11 Karazhan
2/2 Gruul’s Lair
0/1 Magtheridon’s Lair

Loot System:
A 3-man transparent loot council. We try to be fair with loot distribution and we hope to give everyone something they’re after to the best of our abilities.

Attendance - We do not expect 100% attendance because we know that things happen, all we ask is that you can commit to the raid schedule and let us know if situations come up and you cannot make it.

Consumables - We emphasize consumes but don’t drain your wallets for the top tier stuff unless you actually want to. We do expect you to atleast have a food buff and elixirs.

Behavior - Don’t be a jerk., loot will always drop again. Khadgar is not invited to raids anymore (he knows what he did).

Looking for:

Druids - Medium (Resto and maybe 1 feral with offspec tank)
Hunters - High
Mages - High
Paladins - Low (Retribution in High demand, Protection for more Karazhan runs)
Priests - Low (Can always take a Shadow)
Rogues - Medium
Shamans - High (Resto and Elemental)
Warlocks - High
Warriors - Medium (Offspec tank preferred)
Exceptions can always be made to the list, don’t be afraid to reach out!

For more information or to chat about a possible raid spot, please contact Aeriyael#8649

Or hit us up in-game!

We are still recruiting!