A song of the depths

So, underwater queen that will rule the world? Not Azshara, surely

There is a statue of Azshara in the Vault for some reason tho https://i.imgur.com/g00bw3Z.jpeg


The Primal Incarnates are implied to be loyal to the Void.

Furthermore the Naga have joined the Primal Incarnates in their bid for power.

The Primal Incarnates’ only interest in Zaralek Cavern is the Shadowflame not the research as Azshara already has everything else they need. The Sundered Flame want the research but they aren’t important in the Primal Incarnates’ scheme to bring about the ascension of Azshara to the true throne of power.

The fact they would willingly infuse themselves with Shadowflame shows that their loyalties are to the Void so Azshara is the Primal Incarnates’ master.

Azshara is now the leader of the Void’s Forces on Azeroth due to Y’Shaarj, G’huun & N’Zoth dying, Yogg-Saron being imprisoned(and beaten into submission following brain damage causing him to lower his shield) and C’Thun reeling from Sargeras’s sword stabbing him.

We have 3 Old Gods dead, one imprisoned & too brain-damaged to shield his body from punishment by Titan Keepers when he starts acting up and the last one badly injured from a Titan’s Sword. It’s no wonder Azshara has full command over the Void’s Forces on Azeroth in this case.

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Forget the other song Jaina choked through… some song about her dad’s salty load, and her shanty rump cast about on the shore …

who listens to Jaina, anyway. Even at Stratholme, she was cast aside like a mongrel dog-ess…

This is a better song than that cast aside proudmire shanty

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No need to tell the world you have awful musical taste.

As if there were some need. It is my pleasure.

Please don’t tell me to stop