Still looking for Dps / Heals . 7/8 M now!
So many ghuunies
No one like goons, come be a good guy and beat up the ghuunies
Ghuun prog ResidentSleeper
8.1 brings more content, and a new raid on the horizon. Come join SOMA, knock out G’huun, get your CE, be ready to kick booty next raid!
What he said
Still looking for talented RDPS
LF Tank, Ranged dps, and either a MW monk or Disc priest.
Lf new main tank and some other roles
Still looking for a new tank
I need a tank buddy
Someone be his friend ^
Tank here but I don’t think you’re looking for 2 prot pallies
That being said if you’re in the market for one, please don’t hesitate to reach out: Zurikyu#1360 on both BattleNet and Discord. Thanks!
Yeah rather not run double prot pally sorry good luck looking I know its a pain
Looking for a good tank
Come do some progress on Wednesday with us
No weebs please
Still looking for people
I’m still lonely
Me too PepeHands