A Solution to the rank reset

Who are the “blues”. Pvp blues?

Yeah, we might get some info tomorrow.

They dont have enough people on their staff to form a bg team. lol

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Yea if only they had a council for the community that could help with things like this. Some sort of panel of selected players who advocate and raise questions and concerns on behalf of the player base.

If only such a thing existed. A Council for the Community so to speak. Too bad there isn’t one that does that though.


It was capitalized “Blues” so assuming that means company employees. Blizzard too cheap for a irl outing lol.

But we know where assuming generally gets one.

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Here’s a link to that “brawl with the blues” thing:
Brawl With The Blues - July 14 - In Development / Classic Era 1.14.4 PTR - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

I’m 99% sure “blues” means some devs: “Please join us on the Classic Era 1.14.4 PTR”

I am not working or doing anything at 2pm that day so I might participate but only if I think the changes are okay to good, as I won’t waste my time if I know I won’t like them.

Yes well, this whole thing has been interesting enough to get me back to the forums and I can for sure understand why the conversations would be interesting to read.

I’ll probably post my feedback with a short comment if I think it’s fine or a long rant if I don’t like it. Actually, if I thought my opinion would make a difference I’d write a shorter comment that might actually be read by the devs anyway. However, the wording on this has never shown the devs to care about feedback on this at all. This change, whatever it is, is simply their perspective on what is “best for the long-term health of the game” and the test is simply to make sure that their changes work.

Although the devs seem like nice enough people when they talk I’ve found that 95% of their changes that have been more than minor have negatively impacted me and those I can relate to on a human level (aka people who think beyond “Oh I’m so excited, I can gear my alt for PVE easier!”), to where so many like-minded people have quit that it makes me sad and not want to come back, but I still hold out hope I guess.

I strongly agree with this too:

We’ll see what happens.


Minor things might be considered but yeah they’ve already decided.
Hope people remember to express disappointment and critique constructively.
We’ll need every voice to even have a chance at getting anything “reconsidered”.


I think the honor system should stay the same but will still give feedback on these changes. Given how they messed up SoM, Wotlk, and even warcraft 3 lol, don’t have high hopes but at least staying positive

Honor as currency would be a catastrophe. Would bring tons of bot. Ppl would be running around with GM sword and full greens.

My hope is because the used the term “reset” that means we aren’t getting a currency system, but who know, they may have been just imprecise.

Not to mention it creates a path of less resistance to get powerful items. Why get other gear, when you can just deterministically farm BGs and get full epics, without any chance or effort involved.


This already exists as a problem in Classic Era.

Yah so that’s why they shouldn’t make it worse. I only ever got to r12 in classic, r14 is not really deterministic because most ppl don’t have the time.

I have 95k hks on this char alone. I don’t mind not having the r13 and r14, because I was sick of grinding back then. That’s fine


Server is what 4 years old? Im for anything that will inject fresh blood.

yes but the annoyingness of ranking helps prevent that from being a lot worse.

It will change a lot. I saw it firsthand starting at the tbc prepatch. If I hadn’t seen how extremely low quality the BGs got with currency then maybe my opinion on this wouldn’t be so strong.

When you get people in BGs who don’t want to be there because they hate PVP, it’s bad for the game. Fresh blood isn’t good when that fresh blood is toxic and pollutes everything (and a lot of that toxicity is because people are there who do not want to be!).

Plus do PVE-minded players REALLY want to feel “forced” to PVP first to gear up?

Currency also is good for those who are self-focused, short-term thinkers, and VERY gear driven. The types of people who add nothing of value to the game, while being bad for those who are team players and who want to actually play classic.


People still bg in pve specs and dont contribute to the team game play. They run in head first and die over and over again… never pop out of shadow to toss a heal. Rets that dont have cleanse keybound and probably heals neither.

I just want a fun system dont care which way we go. Its not going to change the current player base mentality.

Era is actually popping rn and the reason is actually because of “changes” to classic wotlk. “changes” destroyed wotlk so the choices are either retail or era.

Era shouldn’t have anymore changes or else it’ll start bleeding players in the same way classic wotlk is

SOM 1 eventually died when people realize they can get r14 gear easier than they could get raid gear so thats another example of what the changes could do too


SOM1 died cuz there arent enough people interested in raiding. Making content harder is not going to help bring in more players.

As much as Era is pop’n bgs arent showing it. AV only pop’n in AV weekend. There is usually 2 or 3 games between WSG/AB. Hopefully that will change soon when this current bunch of people leveling hit 60. But, I dont see cuz if you dont buy gold you arent going to get gear fast enough and we all know this current player base doesnt have any patience to raid normally. =)

I dont want r14 gear in 2 or 3 weeks. But if its like pre-tbc numbers. I wouldnt care neither. I dont need many incentives to bg… I bg cuz I love too.

Well why werent ppl interested in raiding? becuz of the changes to the pvp system making a much easier alternative path to gearing. (Plus the no wbuffs, plus the harder bosses ofc) Making gearing easier won’t bring in players either since classic >> wotlk where it was easier. SoM died specifically because gearing via ranking pvp was too easy. And for the longevity of the classic especially, gearing needs to be hard. no1s going to play the game when they’ve finally full BiS’d

I hate to break it to you… people went into SoM1 wanting to just pvp. lol
Maybe it was the easiness of gaining gear in pvp. I can’t tell you way they didnt want to raid. =)

yes i agree, you’re acting like ppl initally went to SoM to pvp first instead of it developing that way. they pvped the gear was better and easier to get AND it was fun too.