Hello Pagle!
We are a fairly new guild with a tight nit roster looking to complete our final roster for Ulduar 10 HM and 25 man content. Our leadership consist of veteran WoW players that have been clearing raid content since 2004. We are currently recruiting dedicated and active players to bolster our main raiding rooster. Our raid team plans to clear 10 man hard mode, and 25 man content in the next upcoming phase. To hold a spot in the main raid team you will be expected to keep your character maximized including but not limited to having max professions, being fully enchanted and gemmed, and bringing consumes to raid. Loot will be handled by pre-raid BiS list (MS > OS). Our #1 goal at the end of the day is to HAVE FUN (since this is a game after all)!
Currently in need of two reliable DPS and two healers. We are always looking for exceptional players, we can probably work any spec into our roster, the list below is best fit:
Death Knight (Frost)
Mage (Fire/Arcane)
Holy Paladin
Priest (Shadow / Disc)
10 HM Ulduar Progression Raid Days: Wed & Sun 8:30 -11:30 PM ET (Server Time)
- All 25 Content will be on off nights with dates soon to come.
If you’re interested you can contact me in the following channels:
Pagle: Tankzalot
Discord: Tankzalot#6378