[A] [SOD] [Living Flame] <Blood Moon> Semi-casual Mon/Thurs 8pm EST

<Blood Moon> is a semi-casual guild recruiting for our core raiding roster as we dive into MC. We are a day one Living Flame guild, committed to clearing current content each phase.

Our raid times are Mondays and Thursdays at 8pm EST , with invites starting 30 minutes beforehand. Our first raid into MC is scheduled for 7/29.

Loot rules are 2SR > MS > OS

First legendary drops are currently reserved for officers and will then go to core raiders afterwards. Crafting materials will go to the guild bank, and will be available for consistent raiders.

We have the biggest need for more healers and ranged DPS.

Roles we are no longer recruiting for are tanks and feral druids, as these positions are both fully filled.

Please message Nekkro, Mythril, Hazman, or Lief in-game for an invite!