[A] SOD | <Daybreak> MORNING / DAYTIME Raiding | 8/8 ST | Weekdays 9AM

Daybreak is a daytime alliance guild Lone Wolf (US), and host SOD PUG raids throughout the week. We are running one Wednesday, and two Friday Sunken Temple raids.

Our goal is to build up a strong roster of daytime players that will serve as a consistent roster for the later phases of SoD.

Recruitment Needs

  • Tanks - Closed

  • Healer - Closed

  • Ranged DPS - Medium (Shadow Priest, Boomie, Warlock, or Mage)

  • Melee DPS - Low (Feral)

If you are interested in joining the SoD guild, initiate a ticket below and provide some information about yourself. We’ll align you to join a Sunken Temple run of ours. If you are a decent human and a competent player, we’ll get you plugged-in!

Join to learn more → discord.gg/4bk8P8e

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First and a bump! Come join us : )

Come on all and bring your friends! we0re happy to greet your


Come and join us, most of us are a blast :grinning:

Bumping for morning/daytime raids!

forced to bump run while you still can

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Bump! Looking for more daytime morning players!

Stay away from these cringe losers. They are high strung nasally voiced wanna be chads whose nuts have not dropped.

LF players who have balls (apparently)…

We’re running 3x 8/8 teams, two on fridays and one on wednesday mornings! LF:

  • 1-2 Feral Druids
  • 1-2 Shadow Priests
  • 1-2 Boomies

stop by our discord for more info!