A slew of new Awakened Event Bugs

Let’s discuss my experiences playing WoW today as someone who runs a lot of alts!

– Time Rift first! Go in and clear it. Discover the Cache is ONCE per ACCOUNT per WEEK. Awesome job there, thanks for that.
– Suffusion Camp is up next. No issues there. Got my cache.
– Let’s do Awakened world boss Zaquali Elders! Oh look, no cache no credit for the kill and it isn’t even showing as Awakened on the world map. Fail.
– Finish up with Researchers. Wait 15 mins. Event does not spawn. Timer resets to 30 mins. Amazing game, 10/10. I really feel like you value my time and money.

This game has some real potential once we can get out of Alpha and start actually, you know, respecting player’s time like you “said” you were going to. Does anyone test this stuff before releasing it?