A single character on an account gets disconnected when attacking

Hello, a friend is having an issue with his account. It seemed to begin right after he copied over to the PTR for SOD.

To recreate the issue:

  1. Player enters combat
  2. Player begins attacking
  3. Player is disconnected

He has two warriors and a moonkin on his account. This is only happening to one of the warriors. The other two characters are unaffected.

Things that have been tried

  1. Uninstalling and Reinstalling both the game and the PTR
  2. Scan and Repair x 2
  3. Delete Cache and WTF folder
  4. Delete Character off of PTR
  5. Gameplay with 0 addons or weakauras
  6. Take off armor/gear to see if its disconnecting when something procs (it happens when naked still)
  7. Double checking driver updates

I have never heard of something so bizarre but I have seen him recreate the issue at least 1 dozen times now. I have also watched his other characters fight for a minute or so without getting disconnected.

Please help!

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