A simple void elf request

I would love to see High Elves… with a new model and skeleton. I think that’s where a lot of people get confused. Most of us aren’t anti-High Elf; we just don’t want another copy+paste of a race that’s unique to us and special to us given to Alliance.

It’s about time for a new skeleton anyways! Something new and different from the Blood Elf/Void Elf one.


They were given an actual Horde model and even the pretty, pink skin and blue eyes they’ve been demanding, and it still doesn’t satisfy them.

Ya’ll have an elf fixation, and it isn’t healthy.


I did support a new model for Alliance High Elves, before VEs got the skin tone compromise for RP tools, I just don’t see the Alliance getting two Thalassian models now as anything other than silly and unfair (and thats not disrespect to you I see where you’re coming from), but I still as I’ve always believed Blood Elves are High Elves, and I get the desire on Alliance for that but what’s done is done and it already steps on BE toes enough for me.

Half Elves if the separate model route had been done probably would have been best imo too.

No, you’re purposely leaving out the whole picture.

No one owns a hair color.

If you put the same hair color on a human and a dwarf, the characters won’t look the same, not because of the hair color, but because their models are completely different, they don’t even have the same height.

But if you put the same color on two models that are already essentially the same… guess what the result will be? In case you wonder, the answer is, they will look exactly the same, no matter where you’re taking the color from.

So yes, blood elves with extra steps.

EDIT: Typing it’s hard when yo’reu doing it during breaks from cooking…


I also think forsaken is owed more customization, and a model toggle can help with that.

I wouldn’t object but why pink?

This is a public forum.

Void elf players is here asking for HE options not to water down their race.


Oh I 100% agree with you here.

No disrespect taken. You and I have always had good conversation.

I do agree that Void Elves getting Blood Elf skin tones felt like a smack in the face, and I felt it too. But I think High Elves with a new model, and new skeleton, could perhaps ease that sting. It would probably satisfy the High Elf crowd and would keep me content enough knowing that Blizzard didn’t hijack my racial identity.


I can literally feel this pain from you and I understand it all too well. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Hugs dearie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Funny, as a void elf player I think you are trolling ve players.


What picture? I’m saying void elves could use the human hair colors, you’re saying no because they belong to blood elves.
It’s really not as deep as you believe it to be.

I can’t really discuss something that’s a delusion at its base.
I suggest alliance hair colors for void elves and you say no because they belong to blood elves.


So you think the Allied race should be allowed to fulfill its own visual fantasy and the visual fantasy of BEs and it’s no big deal? That’s your stance so it is what it is but wow.


sighs seems we’ve fed the trolls.


Void Elves need more hair colors.

We’ve currently got

teal (a shade of cyan.)
Light tint Cyan
Light tint Teal (These two are our, “Grey” options.)
light violet
another shade of purple that’s violet.

we don’t have the white or blonde hair of our faction leaders. We don’t have black hair but we’re pastel goth af.

we don’t get any of the light blues or purples death knights get.


yes and no. She got her powers from eating a powerful void entity. Playable void elves was transformed into void beings. Alleria was not transformed so…

I mean you keep saying this while disregarding peoples opinions and trying to run people off like this is your personal echo chamber.

No one here has once said they didn’t understand what you’re asking or why, just why we don’t agree with it.

If anyone’s trolling it’s not this side.


Can you mention how people are trolling? I want to see if we can come to a reasonable conclusion about that (no disrespect intended). I just don’t see any trolls here, just people on both sides who are incredibly passionate.


You see, you’re bringing blood elves into this, not me.
I suggest them sharing hair colors with humans and you bring blood elves into it.


Distractions + Dyslexia = Not a good combo :rofl:

Did you miss the point?

Let me summarize it.

It’s not a matter of colors “belonging” to anyone, that’s absurd.

What it is a matter of, is that the result would be the exact same as blood elves.


It’s forum rule # 566870 if one disagrees with you that immediately makes them a troll.


Except human hair colors dont belong to the blood elves, this makes no sense.


There are hidden rules?! :scream::heart:

Because you’re still giving them the natural hair colors and the generic elf fantasy is fulfilled by Blood Elves already.

Try some Void ideas and I’ll agree with you.