A simple but heartfelt thanks

Returned after years away (thanks life lol). Felt extremely lost with all the changes, as so many do. Even went from always being a holy priest to gasp other toons! One of those characters turned out to be a hunter. Got to 70s with around 4 or 5 pets in the stable. Yeah not many when I just used 2 mostly.
Anywho, … hunter reached the point of getting it’s mount and some other stuff… yesss I like my achievements :stuck_out_tongue: so figured I’d go find a pet or two. Hey I remember healing hunters that talked about this area or that for a pet. So I was flying over where, Loque’ is. Please don’t point and laugh too much. I know I know. I picked a difficult one to go after.
Guess what? I learned that even though I have been staying solo there are still people out there in Warcraftworld that make it awesome like the old days.
This person, from a different realm than me, had put Loque’ in a freeze trap and asked if anyone was looking for it. I figured someone would give the smartalec response of “Oh too bad. I just skinned it.” So I replied with, “Yes, alive I want it.”
That started an encounter of my stable going from about 5 to over 40! This person, who took enjoyment seeing my happiness at getting to tame such things as that BIG King Crush dino guy that used to stomp me as a holy priest leveling, is now …in my stable. He’s so cute! :stuck_out_tongue:
I never once asked this person to help me get them. This was something they said they enjoyed doing.
So after this long winded post, I’ll stop with, Thank You. For giving someone who kept wondering what I was doing right/wrong in TWW, remembering the “good ol days”, there is good people around now too. Those little things you do are appreciated. <3 If you are returning or new, please remember we are all real people out there and the little things said and done make a difference.


Love these posts- Thank you too for sharing- Too much negativity in the World of Warcraft and our own world so love these :smiley: /salute. Now we thank the goodness and kindness and pass it on - and hope the world can be that way too :smiley: