Do you like piña coladas? Do you like to get caught in the rain? Do you like downing bosses? Do you like wow memes?
Sigma is a stable mid-core raiding guild, led by a team of active officers, and founded by a core of friends that have played together since Vanilla.
We have an active Discord and website. We actively seek guild member input and we use the fair and transparent loot system called EPGP (Earned Points, Gear Points). In simplest term, EPGP means every raider gains points per boss kill to use on loot. Unlike a DKP system, loot costs are set and the highest priority raider who bids receives the loot. Once someone wins loot they drop in the priority list. This system ensures everyone has an opportunity to select the loot pieces that he or she desires.
We have a solid core of players and we are currently recruiting the following classes:
- Holy Paladin
- Resto Druid
We will always consider players with a good attitude, skills, and a willingness to learn.
We actively run dungeons, quests, and world events. We are happy to help players improve their toons, both via the gear grind and mentoring.
We are seeking active players who enjoy working as a team to clear all current content and enjoy every aspect of the game. If you would like to learn more please contact one of our officers:
- Takoloctopus
- Tikan
- Arrhenius