[A] <Shred Lobster> - Stormrage Is LFM!

bumpity bump bump

Happy Sunday Folks!

Just getting back into WoW after a taking an expansion off. 16 years experience. Pushed quite a bit of keys in BFA. Currently playing enh sham. Iā€™m interesting in checking out the guild. Battlenet tgx#11904. Thanks!

Hiya Dwasha, and thanks for your interest!

One of our recruitment officers should be reaching out to you soon, if they havenā€™t already.

Bumpy Time!

Weekly Reset bump!!!

Bumper cars!!!

Saturday Bump!

The ā€œweekly resetā€ bump!

Bump bump give!

Bumps away!!!

Bumper cars!!!

Bumps 'n stuff

Bump bump give

It is timeā€¦ Join the guild already! What could you possibly be waiting for???

weekend bump!

(raid has broken out into a dance)

Alright, stop!.. DRAGON TIME!!!

(everyone resumes dancing)

Saturday Bump time!

Post holiday Bump!

Happy Dragon Flight Bump!!!