A shield DPS spec

Not really. I was one of the people playing it :smiley:

Because too many tanks were out-dpsing actual dps and it was upsetting dps.

I guess anyone class could be tank/dps made viable by just some little changes.

The problem is when you allow people to freely gear up and make their own combos, you open the door of L2P whining.

Those who are good at math and stats, and make perfect combos would be the cry of others who cant or wont want someone to be rewarded by being meticulous. Aka, someone makes a really good build other people cant and therefore the game “unjust”.

Happened before, and will always happen.

Petition to bring back Glad Stance. it was AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZIIIIIIIIING

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shield and spear ranged warrior…

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Gladiator should come back, but as its own spec, instead of a Protection talent.


Shield Hunter “ftw”.

because shamans cant use swords…

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Id rather have a new class than a new spec

I know this is an old post but has this changed at all? Is there a 1H and Shield DPS class yet? I know RET Pally would make sense and they still have a shield move even though they don’t use a shield. Still searching the corners of the internet for that 1H Shield DPS lol.


There is one.
It is called Fury Tanking. It was super fun back in the day.

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There’s always been one. Elemental Shaman.


Holy crap, this thread is back. I actually remember posting here and looking back, there I am up there. Geeze. Am I the only person from this thread still posting here?

God I need a girlfriend.


Ele sham will literally have a talent that push them into using a shield/1h.

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Id love a talent for arms warriors to use a 1h and a shield, similar to how a fury warr can run SMF.

I do miss glad spec.


I feel like people are missing the point of why Glad Stance was so good. It wasn’t that you were using a shield and one hander. It was that you had the entire Prot kit, but you didn’t pull tank threat and you did 25% more damage. People remember it fondly and Blizzard deleted it because it was TOO good.

The idea that a tank could just press one button and suddenly be a DPS was a great idea, but as it was said earlier in this thread, it was a nightmare to balance. Things that are fun often are. Blizzard’s philosophy isn’t, “give people fun options” it’s “make everything perform the same.” This is where the whole “fun detected” thing came from.

Which is true btw. No fun allowed. Homogenize and destroy.

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Ahhh you bring me memories of the glorious gladiator stand…

The Prime Warrior, the best dps class in wow history…

and the ocean of tears that came with that.

No brother, something like that will never happen again.


Just wanna say, I have always loved the “sword n board” dps fantasy.
And Prot Warr Glad Stance did a pretty good job with that. But I understand why it got removed. It still could potentially make a return in the future, maybe even as its’ own spec or something.

Glad stance was literally the homogenization of the tank and DPS roles.

You even flat out acknowledged it.


The counter point is something like glad existing…which as your put it is

Means its not fun for others.

Something being OP is only fun for the people that specifically take advantage of it being OP, while its existence lowers the fun for others.

what about a dps spec with just two shields?

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