A Shadowie Disaster

So after 3 reworks, a terrible tier set that is out of touch with our class, and then being nerfed into irrelevance… The message I’m getting from blizzard is “just don’t play shadow priest because we’ve no clue how to fix them and we really don’t care.”
GG bliz GG


I thought it was thier way of saying don’t play spriest because we aren’t more gooder at our yob. .


I mean I enjoy spriest right now for ST. The big packs in m+ sir to fast for us to ramp. Enough to mention. But I feel our ST is pretty decent.

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I use shadow to grind in shadowland lol!

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The way blizzard has butchered spriest really reminds me of Demo lock a few years ago when they said “We’d just rather you not play demonology.”


Did blizzard actually say that?


Yes, Warlords of Draenor, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-4u6gn1r4U

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Geez, well that settles it. It’s no longer a conspiracy.

Side note: whatever happened to Lore? Does he ever post on the forums anymore?

Lore moved on, he works for another company now, you can keep up with him on twitter: https://twitter.com/devolore

He was a cool dude. I forgot about him until I saw him in your link haha

I really miss playing my SP,only thing i can get into is lfr,i was always at the top in m+ now meh

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Honestly same.

I’ve tried leveling different classes, including this mage, but I just can’t find any enjoyment in anything other than my Spriest.

Pretty much

I dropped mine in season 1 and never looked back. Frost mage, warlock and guardian Druid have all been much better to play.

Shadow is just… a mess. I watched a video talking about how to pug as a shadow priest in M+ and they came to a section where the listed off what shadow brings to the table…. Man it was SCRAPING the bottom of the barrel.

They were talking about bringing the engineering battle Rez to give you an edge in pugging. A class or spec shouldn’t have to be locked into a profession because they’re so bad nobody wants them.

The issue with shadow is they bring damage. That’s it. They aren’t mobile, they have no hard cc, no true interrupt, no battle rez, no hero, no group mobility, no major group buffs, no significant cooldowns. They’re just nothing of a spec, a literal shadow of what a dps should be.

Every time I think about playing mine again I compare it to say my mage or warlock and immediately remember why I don’t.

I love shadow and would play it again in a heartbeat if everything wasn’t such an uphill battle and struggle just to convince someone you’re not dead weight in a group.

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That pretty much says it all… I wouldn’t even mind all these flaws if we could just AoE at will instead being locked out by shadow crashes cooldown.

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