Hello, I am a shadow priest main whos looking for a new place to raid. My current guild has swapped raid times to a day I no longer can make, so im putting some feelers out there to see if anyone is in need of a shadow priest for Kara/Gruul/Mag. I am more or less full kara gear + a few pre-raid BiS pieces(not sure why it says im 60). Im looking for a chill environment, and people who run Heroics regularly. I come with a few alts also. Feel free to add me on discord Ximu#1808 or drop your spam below.
< Iconic >
Kara 11/11
Gruul 2/2
Mag 1/1
Raid Days : W/TH/M ( third day for later on) 830pm - 1130pm ST
Loot : Loot Council with rotating officer/raider weekly to keep transparency
About Us and what to expect :
A group of like minded induvials who wish to succeed and clear all content while having fun. Leadership has been playing this game on a high end level since Vanilla and expects to have a successful TBCC experience for the guild. The guild environment is relaxed but at the same time expects all its raiders to come fully prepared to be efficient and effective during raid. This means: know fights, have proper consumes, addons/wa’s , gear, enchants/gems etc. The guild has a zero tolerance towards toxicity, meaning if there is an issue it will be resolved with a one time warning. I expect everyone to understand that even though this is a remake of original, I do not want to waste peoples time and to be able to expect the same of us.
Current Recruitment Needs:
25 mans
Shammy- Resto (1) /Enhance (1)
3rd Kara Group
Dps- Any but hunter/war/Ret
Other classes/roles not listed are closed atm, but willing to talk to anyone that has interest.
Feel free to contact me via links below and thanks for taking time to read. Best of luck in TBC.
BNET - Xcirus#1428
Discord - Cerinity#1162