I am looking for a serious guild that are currently progressing in Mythic CN.
I am currently:
I am willing to change server if needed.
Feel free to add me on battle net if you need any further information that we can discuss: superjul007#1596
Hello there,
I’m Syoki and I’m the recruitment officer for Good Game of Mal’Ganis Horde. We’re 2/10M (10/10H) and raid Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST).
We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We’ve recently made the move to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).
We find the only thing that keeps us playing is those in which we’ve played with for a long time. We consider our guild a family. A large, dysfunctional, family. We are currently finalizing the right CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. 
Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID or Discord if you have any questions.
Hope to hear from you! If not, best of luck in your guild search and in the Shadowlands!
Syoki the Insane
(BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886)
Looking forward to discuss with you.
Hey Himix!
We over at Pack Mentality on Stormrage - Alliance are scouring the interwebs for awesome folks seeking a home away from home. With an average age around 30, we have players from across the world ranging from military and students to 9-5ers and stay-at-homers. With such an interesting blend of personalities, we have had a fun time learning from each other!
Formed in the summer of 2019, the guild has achieved AOTC in Eternal Palace and Ny’alotha, with some mythic kills. Our goal is to further our adventure into mythic Castle Nathria. Raid nights are Thursday 9-12 Eastern and Friday 9-12 Eastern. Saturdays are an optional night typically reserved for alt runs/pvp/keys.
Current Progression: 9/10H
Our current needs are as follows:
- Tanks: Nada
- Healers: Dps offspec preferred but not required
- Melee DPS: Unholy DK, Warrior
- Ranged DPS: Boomkin, Affliction, Shadow Priest,
If your spec is not listed, we would still love to chat! We are always recruiting exceptional players and all roles for Mythic +.
For further information, feel free to add myself, Dabears#1561, KriztovChaos#1801, or raand#1678
Would you be able to make a morning raid team?
Last Pull of Seraph is recruiting heals and dps for our morning raid team! Raid times are 8:30-11:30 a.m. CST on Wednesday and Thursday. Current progression is 9/10H. Our raid team is part of a larger guild community where there is always something to do or people to run other content with. We have some great core members that mesh well, just need to fill out so we can finish for AOTC and head into mythic!
-Good attendance. Since we only raid two days a week, maintaining adequate attendance is a must.
-Great attitude. Able to take direction and constructive criticism well.
-No set item level requirement. That said, it should look like you put some effort into gearing yourself to be raid ready.
Come raid with us :)!
www.seraphguild .com/recruitment
Contact: CatieisaGOD#1266 on Battle Net, CatieCatt#1201 on Discord.
Hello all,
Thanks you for your guild offers, looking forward to discuss your guild opportunity.
Hey there Himix!
We would love to snag you for our mythic raid team! I’ve sent you a btag request, looking forward to hearing back from you!
< Battle Hardened > is looking for progression raiders to push high-end content in Shadowlands. Our raiders thrive in a friendly raid environment, with the expectations that each of our raiders will pull their weight and know their class/mechanics without the extra necessity of negative criticism.
We currently have two separate raid teams - one mythic raid team with CE goals, and one team that is currently in heroic with the potential for casual mythic progression later on in the tier.
< Battle Hardened > Schedule:
Tues 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Raid *
Wed 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Raid *
Thurs 6-9pm Server (PST) - Optional Guild PVP (RBGs)
Fri 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Raid +
Sat 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Raid +
Sun 6-9pm Server (PST) - Optional M+ Night
*Denotes mandatory raid nights for mythic raiders
+Denotes mandatory raid nights for heroic raiders
Most Recent Progression:
11/12 Mythic Ny’alotha
Current Progression:
Mythic Weekday Team
10/10 Normal Castle Nathria
9/10 Heroic Castle Nathria
2/10 Mythic Castle Nathria
Heroic Weekend Team
10/10 Normal Castle Nathria
7/10 Heroic Castle Nathria
- Discord (with working mic)
- 75%+ mandatory attendance on raid nights
- Ability to log on by 5:50pm on raid nights
- Personal Prepots (flasks/feasts provided)
- Ability to receive constructive criticism
- Hatred of puns and terrible jokes
How to Apply
Fill out the quick application at tinyurl. com/bh-application
OR reach out to Shalathe via btag or discord.
Shadowlands Recruitment Needs:
Mythic Raid:
- UH Death Knight
- Ranged DPS
Heroic Raid:
- UH Death Knight
- Havoc Demon Hunter
- Arms Warrior
- Fire Mage
- Any other non boomkin ranged
- Disc/Holy Priest
Contact Us:
Guild Master: Shalathe (In-Game)
- BattleTag: Valannia#1629
- Discord: Shalathe#9581
Officers: (In-Game)
Himix Hello
Nocturnal on Zuljin
We have been together since BC and raiding since ULD.
Raid times;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:30p-1:30a (PST)
Progression as of today 9/10H
(On 3rd phase of Sire)
Thank you,
Real ID add
Hey there,
[Men in Sacks] is a relatively new guild founded by 12/12M leads. Our core group has a wealth of CE-experience and we’re looking to expand our roster for Mythic progression.
Classes/specs we’re looking for:
What we expect from you:
We’re not sticklers for “meta” comps or specs. If you research your class, play it well, and know how to deal with mechanics, we’ll be happy to have you.
Raid Time:
7:30 - 10:30 PM PST on Fridays and Saturdays
Current Progression:
10/10 H, 1/10 M. We’ve been stalled for the last 2 weeks because we haven’t been able to form a stable 20-man roster. Just looking to fill the last 2 Ranged DPS and we’ll be good to go.
We’ll be assessing whether you’d be a good fit for us based on your logs at warcraftlogs.
You can find our logs at:
ht tps://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/tichondrius/men%20in%20sacks
ht tps://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/pjhFQbAY2trqDv3z/ (our H Denathrius kill because it’s missing from the above link for some reason)
Please contact mireknyun#2989 on Discord if you’re interested. Thanks!
Hello Himix
Nocturnal on Zuljin
We have been together since BC and raiding since ULD.
Raid times;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:30p-1:30a (PST)
Progression as of today 9/10H
(On 3rd phase of Sire)
Thank you,
Real ID add
We have a trial night set for Tuesday at raid time