Sentinel Hill is seeking a handful of DPS and/or a healer for our Tues/Weds team in preparation for Phase 2 and onward. Raids will be Tues and Weds 7:30-11:00pm server time.
–Current Recruitment needs are as follows–
Ranged DPS
- 2 of any kind of ranged dps, preference for Hunters.
Melee DPS
- 1 Enhancement Shaman
- No slots available at this time.
- Back up members of all roles
Feel free to get in touch with us even if you do not meet the above criteria, we may be able to get you a spot regardless of your class or spec.
Feel free to reach out to myself or Kaffiene in game or via discord for any questions or additional information.
Frost6#6380 (Discord)
Frost#14872 (BattleNet)
Scyffer#5004 (Discord)
Appletini#1499 (BattleNet)