A season without timer

before season where determined by what raid just released. and it was fun. 3 months 1x week grinding out bosses for gear that you may or may not get

I don’t mind the timer, but it is a little big. Something something sore thumb.

This is a good idea. This incentivizes performance without the implied threat of subtracting from the default.


Ranked play was only introduced 1-2 months after launch.

Actually, most expansions, they have something similar to M+ without timer: Megadungeons.

They have pretty good gear for the patch, even hardmodes.

How would you feel if they offered more of those?


I really like megadungeons. The remade Karazhan is one of the best experiences in Legion along with the Mage Tower. Same with Tazavesh, which might be Shadowlands’ only redeeming element.

so now the timer counts as inaccessibility now? lmao

it will never happen.

Your main gripe is player experience right?

What if I told you, removing the timer won’t change that…

People still gonna leave after wipes, or for no reason at all, with or without a timer.

The “degeneracy” isn’t because of the timer itself. It is present in all content, even content without timers.

That’s good, and I personally would be for them making say a megadungeon or two every patch.

However, considering how similar a megadungeon is to a M+ without timer, wouldn’t it be safe to say that they’ve already tested what you’re asking for and most go for M+ anyway?

I know. I was there from Valilla-WoD. When people left… we just looked for replacement. Note that people might have had good reasons for leaving: IRL or disconnects, for exemple. It wasn’t always just being toxic.

Without a timer, you could cc ~every single mob in every trash pull and kill them one at a time and even wait until you had cooldowns up for everyone each pack

Please explain the challenge in that

You can not create a comparable difficulty mode without a timer. Plain and simple. Even in the best case scenario world of super uber buff enemies, the strat will just devolve into a kiting meta and/or waiting out CDs to handle it.

Already today you can ignore the timer. You just don’t get to go up key level and 1 of your drops is a lower ilvl. You can find a group of left bell curves types and take all night to run a dungeon CCing every mob to infinity and beyond and having a group therapy session before and after each pull if you want.


I don’t consider people leaving a slow dungeon run as being toxic, regardless of their reason. People shouldn’t feel forced to spend extra time in a dungeon that can be reasonably completed in 30 or 45 minutes if players are using their class correctly. Toxic would be if they are bashing the other players in the group and then leave on the last boss when it’s still going to be timed. Now those people…

The timer is a major proponent of M+ and adds to the layers of what makes it challenging. Without the timer the difficulty is not the same. You can wait for CDs, Lust every boss. Do massive death pulls and try to kill w.e you can without caring.

It’s just not the same. They would have to scale the content significantly harder if they removed the timer and then you just end up with 5 man raids or dungeon crawls.

Learn to cope with the timer. I don’t understand all of GD’s risk aversion.

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i personally believe the timer should be rid of entirely

but it wont stop people from being toxic. this game does not breed toxicity. humanity does.

look at any other place that isn’t wow and we see that toxic humans are all over the place

Why should it be removed though? What does removing a timer from a game mode designed around a timer solve?

It sounds like people just want an untimed dungeon mode that gives the same rewards as M+. As others mentioned, if it was untimed it would have to be scaled harder to offer similar rewards, meaning a bigger time sink.

I’d argue you would see a vast majority of the player base preferring the timed mode.


They did and it was called Challenge Mode; it lasted two expansions before being replaced by the current Mythic Keystone system.

says you?

maybe you like being punished by blizzard like a naughty boy

but how about we just get a game that is both fun and rewarding instead

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challenge modes had timers

Fun and rewarding is subjective. I find M+ to be both. Some feel the opposite. Blizzard has to find the balance based on player retention. Trying to please both sides of this argument would result in two half-baked game modes that can never be properly balanced.

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