Guild Name: Scandalous
Server: Pagle
Faction: Alliance
Location: Eastern
Scandalous (Pagle) is a raiding guild looking to rebuild for WOTLK hard & heroic mode raiding.
About the Guild
The Scandalous core has been raiding together for 5+ years, with endgame experience including classic wow, mythic retail raiding, EQ(2), and basically every MMO that’s come out in the past 10 years. After a hiatus during the middle of TBC we’re looking to rebuild our roster for WOTLK.
We keep a relatively chill raiding environment, but we’re looking to build a roster to blast hard & heroic mode raiding for the upcoming expac. In the meantime we’ve got members starting to trickle back so we’ll be looking to start hosting runs soon while TBC winds down to shake off some rust and make sure we hit the ground running.
Raid Times: Tentatively Tues-Thurs 8-11 server. We generally host pugs or secondary runs on the weekends for players that want to gear multiple characters.
Loot System: Specifics TBD but points system, most likely DKP.
Reach out to Osozito in game with interest/questions
Right now the current core squad consists of 16 seasoned players. Looking to recruit about another 15ish to create a tight knit raiding guild of about 30-32 players. Recruits should generally have a desire to both have fun and perform at high level. Recruits should also have regular raid attendance, notwithstanding all the summer and fall fun.
Would you be interested in a fury/warrior/destro lock and combat rogue?
Definitely open to chatting to see how culture, playtime and fit work. We would be little hard to find slot for fury war thought, as we have 1 fury and 1 arms so far.
Would there be a Frost DK spot available? I’m currently playing Ret in TBC and will keep it as an alt in Wrath.
I’ve played DK since OG Wrath, Looking to actually Raid the expansion this time. Raided Mythic in BfA and Shadowlands on my DK, Got a CE in 8.3. I’ve been getting back into TBC lately.
Old guild is slowly waking up and initial recruiting is going well. Current higher need classes include: 1 DPS shaman, enh or ele, 1-2 hunters, 1 arms warrior, 1 rogue, 1 resto shaman, 1 other healer, possibly pally pref. As Fewmitz/Bearly mentioned earlier, we are planning to build a fun, but successful, raiding guild that will be looking to clear all content and do all achievements, including hard modes. Looking for adult, fun and experienced raiders.
Still recruiting, still looking for fun but focused individuals to slowly prep for WotLK.
Recruiting updates: High need classes: Shadow Priest, Ele Shammy, Resto Shammy, 1-2 DeathKnights, 1 arms warrior, 1-2 rogues, and 1 lock.
Running Kara & ZA weekly to get raiders back on their feet. Still looking for the following classes - Shadow Priest, Resto Shammy, 1-2 Deathknights, 1-2 Rogues, 1 Warlock, and 1 Arms Warrior. Come enjoy our adult debaucherously drunk guild.
Still recruiting! Looking for returning players with a real life, that also want to experience semihardcore raiding, but with normal people!
Guild is growing/coming out of retirement nicely! Averaging 13-19 folks on nightly, about 26 of us, looking for few more players to round out the guild (rog, enh shaman, lock, + 1 or 2 healers).
Update: Guild is cruising, up to about 23 vetted folks, still looking for 5-7 more. Classes of high interested Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Enhance Shaman, Rog and Warlock, maybe dedicated boomer.