[A] < Cryptic > Active & Social Raiding & PvP guild LFM interested in raiding, mythics, PvP etc.
Socials and casuals welcome.
Raid nights are Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:30 to 10:30 pm ST.
Note: Due to attaining AOTC, we are running Normal CN and old content for achieves/pets etc on alternating Mondays. And Heroic is being run on Wednesdays.
- Raid Recruitment: LFM DPS, 1 DPS/Heal OS, 1 DPS/Tank OS, 1 OTank. Must be minimum ilvl 200, have experience with Normal or Heroic CN, and be able to attend both nights.
Mythic FUNgeons held every Friday night, 7:30pm ST onwards.
There are also mythic+s run throughout the week.
- Mythic+ Recruitment: We are in need of more Tanks for our Mythic+ runs through the week! These are usually much higher keys than what we do on our Friday night FUNgeons.
PvP Madness held on Saturday nights, 8pm ST onwards.
This is a relaxed & fun night to experience Rated BGs as a guild. We do ask that you have Versatility gear (minimum 15%) and have experience in BGs.
BGs and Arena run throughout the week.
- PvP Recruitment: Happy to take on more PvPers for arenas and other PvP activities.
Feel free to contact me ingame on Kalea-Saurfang / Kaleiah#1394.
Hope you have an awesome day!